Learning to Thrive During Military Deployment
I feel like I have just emerged from a dark tunnel and am standing blinking and blinded by the summer sun. We made it! are the words that come to mind.
There are many challenges associated with being the spouse of a military member, but deployment is without question one of the most difficult... especially with young children at home. I put a lot of effort into planning how I would like this experience to go and I am so glad that I made this investment.
We are now 3 weeks post-deployment. I am starting to be able to process the experience, and thought I would share some of my discoveries on the blog.
If you have ever experienced a work-related separation, please post your experiences and comments below each blog post. I'd love for this to be a forum for sharing positive, empowering stories!
Stay tuned for upcoming posts on how I planned for deployment, what worked (and didn't!) and what were my biggest lessons learned.

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